Our chapter
About the Group
The International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen is a non-denominational, non-political group of professionals and businessmen that have one thing in common. They want to change the market place around them. They desire to see established the Godly moral and ethical principles this country was founded on. These men also have a desire to share the Good News of Christ with men all over the world. IFCB through its Round Tables, and Chapter meetings, provide opportunities for meaningful fellowship that transcends denominational, racial, and cultural barriers.
Monthly Meetings
Our Cincinnati chapter has met every month for over 32 years and we welcome you to join us for fellowship, praise and worship, scripture readings, prayer, "Salt talks" and a key note speaker. These leaders from inside and outside the group help equip men use the wisdom and power of the word of God in their daily business lives. Past speakers have included a former US Congressman and leaders from Tom Gill Chevrolet, JTM Food Group, Chick-fil-A, At Work on Purpose and Christian Blue Pages.
board members
Art Jarvis, President Cincinnati Chapter
Steven Oyster, Treasurer
Brady Swearingen, Pray Ministry Director
Phil Denton
Steve Farfsing